Soil Analysis Soil Testing Landscape Lawn Care Corvallis Oregon

Soil Testing

Soil analysis is the most fundamental step in the foundation of our Lawn Care System.

 In order to create a healthy lawn and the landscape bordering the lawn, your soil must be properly balanced. The soil test will analyze the soil for texture, pH level, organic matter content, and biological activity. 

Our first meeting with you will include a Lawn & Landscape Assessment. We will be looking for potential issues such as the condition of your turf, growth and non growth areas, poddy stains from pets and wildlife, pest damage, drainage, salt exposure, compact, runoff, irrigation system and layout and after discussion take a soil sample for testing in different areas of your lawn and landscape. 

Once our lawn care team has received the soil sample test results, They will know create the right combination of specific soil mixes for your lawn and landscape.

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