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Landscape design & Installation

Privacy Screens add a layer of security, especially when it comes to blocking your neighbors from seeing into your back yard! Privacy Screens are a dense row of trees or shrubs is strategically placed to create a highly effective privacy screen. We plant the shrubs or trees a few feet just inside your property line or from an existing fence. The best type of trees for this purpose are columnar evergreens, however, a narrow tree will work.
Some of the best trees and shrubs to use as a privacy screen are the following.
- American Holly - The soft needles form a dense, dark green barrier, but can brown with exposure to This narrow tree keeps its leathery, toothed dark green leaves year-round. Female specimens have white flowers and form red berries that attract birds
- Japanese Holly - A narrow shrub with a pencil-like form, it has multiple stems covered in glossy dark green leaves. Small green-white flowers show up in spring
- Emerald Green Arborvitae - This semidwarf shrub forms a compact, narrow pyramid of bright green foliage in flat fans
- Green Giant Arborvitae - The green giant arborvitae is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen—shooting up by as much as 3′ per year until maturity. Its natural pyramidal to conical form boasts dense, rich green foliage that darkens or bronzes slightly in the winter. This is an exceptional landscape tree for use as a screen, hedge or single specimen.
- Nigra Arborvitae - A conical or narrow pyramidal tree with flat, dark green needles
- Techny Arborvitae - This dwarfed, compact arborvitae keeps its color all winter
- Intense Cedar - The Incense Cedar Tree makes one of the best landscape privacy screens. The scale-like leaves are a dark blue-green with no white markings underneath, and are easy to differentiate from other false cedars by the longer scales that resemble the shape of a long-stemmed wine glass. The lush foliage has a pungent, spicy odor when crushed.
- Smooth Cypress - This drought-tolerant conifer has smooth, reddish-purple bark and pointed blue-gray needles
- Rocky Mountain Juniper - Bright blue-gray needles cover this shrub, which takes a pyramidal form with exfoliating red-brown bark
These are just a few options to create the perfect living privacy screens for your landscape. Living Privacy Screens are perfect for “Secret Gardens”. If you are ready to block your neighbors view into your backyard, give us a call at 541-752-4582 or book your onsite appointment online today!
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